Camilla Thompson on Mould Safe Living

Join wellness expert Camilla Thompson in this insightful episode as she dives into the essentials of mould safe living, nutrition, and overall health.
Unlocking Potential: The Latest Trends in Biohacking for Women Aged 18-25

If you’re aged between 18 and 25, getting old might not be on your radar. After all, it seems so far away. But the ‘so yesterday’ trends of botox and vampire facials are making way for a new trend for those savvy enough to beat their BFFL to revolutionise their health – biohacking – a transformative movement resonating with Gen Zs and Millennials.
Dave Asprey’s Courageous and Controversial Biohacking Conference: Live Beyond 180!

Can we really live to 180? It’s a bold and brave statement—do we even want to? Dave framed the conference with this quote: It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela It’s become a full-time obsession for some people, particularly millionaires and billionaires. I ask the question: Do we lose the art of actually […]
How to beat mould toxicity with biohacks

Camilla shares her journey into biohacking, starting with her own health struggles and eventual diagnosis of mould poisoning.
What You Didn’t Know About Mould, And Why It Matters

Dr Shauna is joined by Camilla Thompson, founder of MouldSafe – a company created to help people keep their homes safe from mould.
“Two game changing health interventions that have positively impacted my health, brain function, and energy levels this year”

Would you like more energy, better memory, a stronger immune system and to feel like you’re firing on all cylinders? I’m here to share a couple of ways to do this. Please note this is my experience and may not necessarily be everyones. Always consult a health professional for personalised advice. But I can say […]
Select Wellness co-founder Camilla Thompson on how media industry leaders should address burnout and stress

A conversation with Camilla Thompson, executive coach and managing director of Select Wellness, specialists in tailoring effective wellbeing programs for employees, teams and organisations.
As life speeds up and pandemic drags, burnout is biting hard

Chronic time pressure, loss of work-life boundaries and mental exhaustion linked to the pandemic have left more Australians feeling burnt out – especially working parents.
Talent War – More feeling overwhelmed about the future

Nine in ten employees are self-reporting as feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future, according to a poll of 200 by employee wellbeing company Select Wellness.
Study: Media and marketing staff reported their stress as being ‘overwhelming’, ‘severe’ and ‘extreme’

A recent poll by employee wellbeing specialists Select Wellness showed, in the first half of 2022, 60% of employees reported their stress as being ‘overwhelming’, ‘severe’ and ‘extreme’ compared to 5% in the 12 months prior to that, and 3% in the 12 months prior to that. The industries most impacted include media and marketing, tech, finance, and recruitment.