'Well' Being Check In
My one-on-one confidential, personalised wellbeing coaching sessions are one of my most popular services and are designed to proactively support you in navigating the unique and complex challenges of work and life.

Well Audit
Foundational Pillars: We check in on key aspects of your wellbeing, including sleep, movement, nutrition, connection, stress management, financial wellbeing, emotional regulation, and recovery.
Coaching Goals
- Self-Compassion
Learn strategies to be less hard on yourself, reduce judgment, and overcome perfectionism.
- Workload Management
Discover techniques to manage your workload effectively and balance work-home life.
- Healthy Habits
Empower yourself to create and sustain long-term healthy habits.
- Biohacking Trends
Explore the latest trends to supercharge your life and optimise your health for longevity.
- Boundary Setting
Develop skills to set better boundaries, allowing you to show up for yourself and make better wellbeing choices.
Session Details
Duration: 30-minute session with Camilla
Follow-Up Support: Receive resources and follow-up email support to keep you motivated and on track.
These sessions will leave you feeling hopeful and motivated, ready to tackle whatever challenges you face with renewed energy and resilience.