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Chocolate Orange Chia Balls

These are Amaze Balls.. So Yummy!

So easy to make:

  • 2 x Cups of Cashews (soaked for at least 4 hours)

  • 6 x Medjool Dates

  • 4 x Tbsp Raw Cacao powder

  • 1 Large Organic Orange Juiced & Grate Peel

  • 2 x Tbsp Chia Seeds

  • Organic shredded Coconut

  • C Coconut Water

Put Cashews in food processor, add Juice, Peel, Cacao and Chia Seeds and blend it all up until it goes into a smooth paste, if you need to add some liquid, use C Coconut water and only add a few tbsp at a time, the mixture needs to be fairly thick and paste like.

Put mixture in a bowl and put in fridge for a few hours or over night.

Empty some Shredded Coconut on to a plate for rolling balls in. Use a tablespoon to get out the right amount of mixture and roll it into balls then roll into coconut and store in a container, i use grease proof paper as a lining.
